When signing up for a new credit card, you should always pay close attention to the fine print. And beyond that, you should keep your eyes peeled for ways to maximize the benefits of the card! Here are some travel related credit card bonuses Devon Alexis has discovered:
Credit card bonuses are major for travelers. But you’ll have to act fast, because these deals won’t last long. In fact, most of the deals found below are only available during the month of August 2021. Devon Alexis, travel blogger and all-around adventure enthusiast, recommends checking out the travel related bonuses currently available from the following credit cards:
- United Explorer Card
- Chase Sapphire Reserve
- The Platinum Card from American Express
- IHG Rewards Club Premier Credit Card
*Full disclosure: Devon Alexis is not a financial expert. She strongly encourages you to do your own research and consider all of your options before applying for a credit card. The above blog post is not to be taken as financial advice.*